Ginta Budes modes nama paziņojums
Dainis Bērziņš, sabiedrisko attiecību speciālists02.10.2015.
Komentāri (48)
Gints Bude vērsies pie ASV prezidenta Baraka Obamas, The New York Times un The Washington Post galvenajiem redaktoriem par FACEBOOK administrēšanu Latvijā.
Modes dizainers Gints Bude ar atklātu vēstuli ir vērsies pie ASV prezidenta Baraka Obamas un pasaules ietekmīgāko laikrakstu galvenajiem redaktoriem par cilvēktiesībām, personas goda un cieņas neaizskaramību demokrātijas apstākļos.
Sociālā portāla Facebook, Inc., kas bāzēts ASV, administratori ir atteikuši (automātiskā atbilde) dzēst kāda Facebook lietotāja profilā publicēto informāciju, kas satur pret Gintu Budi vērstus melīgus apgalvojumus par profesionālo darbību, izteiktus draudus, goda un cieņas, seksualitātes aizskārumu*.
Lai gan viens no pasaulē vadošajiem sociālajiem tīkliem - Facebook savai lietotāju komūnai lūdzis būt lojāliem, ievērot demokrātijas principus, citu cilvēku tiesības, personas goda un cieņas neaizskaramību, neizteikt draudus un nemudināt uz vardarbību, neaizskart seksualitāti!
Publicējam arī pašu angļu valodā rakstīto vēstuli:
September 29, 2015
Dear Mr. President,
I have the greatest respect for your personal contribution to democracy and human rights across the world. Hence, I turn to you regarding the issue of human rights and the respect for human dignity under democracy.
In my home country of Latvia, I have gained public recognition as a fashion designer and a media expert on style and fashion, with more than two decades of professional experience in fashion, style and etiquette. My name is also a trademark. As a part of my everyday business, I give lectures to various audiences, including students at educational institutions.
Like many people in the modern world, I am privileged to use the communication tools developed in the United States of America, the Internet and social media such as Facebook and Twitter. I consider that to be a true expression of democracy.
Facebook, one of the leading social media websites, has requested its user community to abide by the principles of democracy and to respect the rights of others - to respect others' dignity, and to abstain from threats and instigation of violence.
I currently find myself in a situation very contrary to the values stated above. One of the Facebook users has used their public "timeline" to post slanderous accusations regarding my work, to threaten me personally and to attack my dignity by libeling my sexuality in the most offensive terms.
As phone-calls started coming in from the Latvian media, asking me "What is going on?", I turned to the state authorities (i.e., the police) and to the administrators of Facebook regarding the threats of physical violence. Unfortunately, Facebook administrators ignored my request as well as those of many others to remove the offending post. Due to the inaction of Facebook administrators, the aforementioned post, containing my full name, has been promulgated by thousands of Latvian Facebook and Twitter users nation-wide. That has provoked comments from many other Facebook users echoing the endorsement of violence against me and the attacks on my dignity, as expressed in the original post.
As Facebook, Inc. is located in the United States of America, I seek your assistance in the resolution of the issue. Also, if any well-known American fashion designer, after giving a visiting lecture at a school on the subject of school uniforms and dress code etiquette, were to be slandered in such a widely circulated Facebook "timeline" post, do you believe that Facebook administrators' attitude would be as dismissive towards requests to remove such content?
I enclose the English translation of the Facebook post, and I apologize for the foul language therein.
Your response is of significant importance to both me and the Latvian media following the case, as democracy has to be mastered from day to day. Every one of us wants to feel safe - safe under democracy.
Wishing the best of success with your work,
Gints Bude
* Red.piez. Runa ir par šo ierakstu: "Kam ir pazīstams/tuva persona Gints Bude? Ja tu, vēl turpināsi vazāties pa skolām un lasīsi lekcijas par tēmu, kurš ir stilīgs un, kurš nav, un saraudināsi piekto sesto klašu skolnieces/skolniekus par to, kas viņām nestilīgs uzvilkts tajā dienā, tu, laimēsi kursu pie plastikas ķirurga."
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